Page 85 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 85

Paul has a teaching theme in First Corinthians and it is built around the type and shadow of the seven

    Feasts of the Lord given in Leviticus 23. Way back in the fifth chapter Paul began to teach these Gentile

    believers (like you and me) what Christ is doing and in what order He is doing it, and the seven feasts are

    his overall theme. He began with (1) the first feast which is Passover. He then progresses to (2) the

    second feast which is Unleavened bread. In Chapter Fifteen (3) he introduces Christ as fulfilling the third

    feast, which is Firstfruits. Since his subject is the resurrection of the dead, he skips the fourth feast which

    is Pentecost in which the Holy Spirit was given on that very day (Acts 2:1-4), and jumps to describing,

                 what I believe, is (5) the fifth feast, which is “Trumpets.”           (5)

        (1)      (2) (3)                                                                “BEHOLD,
                                                                                     I TELL YOU A
          OUR      UNLEAVENED…         DEAD AND HAS BECOME                              MYSTERY:
                      LET US KEEP          THE FIRSTFRUITS….                         …AT THE LAST
     PASSOVER,        THE FEAST…
          WAS               WITH   …ALL SHALL BE MADE ALIVE.                           TRUMPET…
                                    BUT EACH ONE IN HIS OWN                      FOR THE TRUMPET
    SACRIFICED   THE UNLEAVENED                                                  WILL SOUND AND
       FOR US,            BREAD                      ORDER.                      THE DEAD WILL BE
                                                                                  RAISED… AND WE
    LET US KEEP          TRUTH.”
    THE FEAST…                     AFTERWARD THOSE WHO ARE                         1Cor. 15:51-52
                      1Cor. 5:7-8   CHRIST’S AT HIS COMING…”
    1Cor. 5:7-8
                                             1Cor. 15:20-23

    Paul is not looking ahead to the prophetic and futuristic seven trumpets of Revelation in his reference to
    “the last trumpet”, for he was oblivious of this not-yet-revealed truth. Rather Paul is looking backward to
    the Old Testament type and shadow contained within the Law of the Lord to preach the fullness of Christ
    to Gentile believers. As you can see above, it’s theme permeated First Corinthians throughout.

    Do the Feasts have anything in common with the blowing of trumpets that might indeed reveal what Paul
    had in his mind pertaining to “the last trumpet?” the answer is an emphatic yes. In Numbers 10 we read:

                                                                            TWO SILVER TRUMPETS…
                                                                     IN THE DAY OF YOUR GLADNESS,
                                                                        IN YOUR APPOINTED FEASTS,
                                                                    AND AT THE BEGINNING OF YOUR
                                                                      MONTHS, YOU SHALL BLOW THE
                                                               TRUMPETS…THEY SHALL BE A MEMORIAL
                                                                      FOR YOU BEFORE YOUR GOD…”

                                                                                      Num. 10:10,29

    These were not the blowing of the traditional Jewish shofars (rams horns), but rather were two very
    special silver trumpets created for special events, namely the feasts. Notice they were blown at EVERY
    appointed feast as well as at the beginning of every new month. The feast of Trumpets is unique in that it
    is the ONLY one of the seven feasts that began on the first day of the month (see Lev. 23:24). All the other
    feasts were calculated from the first day of month. Therefore Trumpets would be a very special feast day
    in that it was a day appointed for a double portion of the blowing of trumpets. It was (1) an appointed feast
    day for blowing the two silver trumpets, and (2) it was also the first day of the month which was also to be
    a day of sounding these two silver trumpets. As they were an ongoing memorial, Paul, as a feast-
    observing Jew, would have been very familiar with these two trumpets in his day.
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