Page 86 - Prophetic Word Newsletters Archive 2006 by Pastor Randy Shupe
P. 86


Consider the entirety of the type and shadow that Numbers 10 records of these two silver trumpets:

                                                                    TWO SILVER

“…IN THE DAY OF YOUR   As we have seen, they were to
           GLADNESS,   mark all the seven feasts of
                       the Lord, but especially the
  IN YOUR APPOINTED    feast of Trumpets which was
             FEASTS,   the only feast day that was
                       celebrated on the first day of
    OF YOUR MONTHS,    Unfortunately, Jewish
     YOU SHALL BLOW    tradition has labeled
      THE TRUMPETS…    the feast of Trumpets
                       as their New Year.
 AND THEY SHALL BE A   This is not what
  MEMORIAL FOR YOU     Exodus 12:2
 BEFORE YOUR GOD…”     establishes as the
                       Jewish New Year.
           Num. 10:10

 “…WHEN YOU GO TO          Not all has been lost
  WAR IN YOUR LAND         to tradition. This
AGAINST YOUR ENEMY         recent photo taken
WHO OPPRESSES YOU,         during Israel’s last war
                           with Hezbollah shows
    THEN YOU SHALL         that the Jewish
   SOUND AN ALARM          leaders are still using
 WITH THE TRUMPETS,        the silver trumpets as
   AND YOU WILL BE         God instructed them
REMEMBERED BEFORE          as a defense against
YOUR GOD, AND YOU          their enemies.

          Num. 10:9

 “THE SONS OF AARON        This is an illuminating type and shadow recorded in Numbers 10 that
         THE PRIESTS,      pertains to the rapture specifically. It is the priests who are to blow the
         SHALL BLOW        trumpets. This is an unchanging ordinance “forever.” Paul, in
                           describing the rapture in 1Thess. 4:16, makes the point that it is “The
      THE TRUMPETS…        Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout…and with the
AND THESE SHALL BE TO      trumpet of God. At the rapture it will be Jesus Himself, “our High Priest”
YOU AS AN ORDINANCE        (Heb.8:1), who will sound the trumpet of God. As a point of contrast, the
FOREVER THROUGHOUT         seven trumpets of Revelation are sounded by seven angels, not by the
                           Lord Himself, our High Priest!
            Num. 10:8

   “…YOU SHALL USE THEM    It is here that we find the exacting type and shadow of the rapture.
                    FOR    Two stages are mentioned here by God for the Children of Israel in
                           their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. The two silver
(1) CALLING THE ASSEMBLY…  trumpets were used to “call together the assembly” of the three million
                   AND     plus people of God, and they were used to announce when it was time
                           for “the movement of the camp.” The first trumpet gathered them
        (2) FOR DIRECTING  together, and “the last trumpet” (2nd trumpet) would “move the camp.”

           THE CAMPS…”
              Num. 10:2-7
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