Page 108 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 108

Let us begin at what God said should
     be the beginning of months for His
     people Israel. The new year was to
     begin with the Feast of Passover
     (Ex.12:2) There are 30 references to
     the Feast of Passover in the four
     gospels! The running theme of those
     gospels center upon:


     These same events are foreshadowed
     by the first three feasts:

     Consider what Paul preached as

     “the gospel”:                                         Look carefully at the overlay of the first three

     “MOREOVER, BRETHREN, I DECLARE TO YOU                 feasts upon the three statements that Paul tells
                                                                   us constitutes the gospel. To preach the

                                                           gospel to Christians today using only Paul’s

                                                           three statements found in 1 Cor.15:1-4 would

                  WHICH I PREACHED TO YOU...                  receive a hearty “Amen!” for preaching the
                   BY WHICH YOU ARE SAVED...                  truth. However, to add the fact that the first
                                                           three Feasts of the Lord, taken from the Law
     1 23                                                    of God, contain the same truths in type and

                                                           shadow, can potentially cause one to be

                                                           wrongly charged of putting God’s New

                                                           Covenant people under the Law, mixing Law

                                                           and Grace, or even of outright legalism.

                                                           Rather,God has merely hidden His wonderful

                                                           plan of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH

     THAT              AND THAT              AND THAT      THROUGH GRACE within the confines of His
     CHRIST DIED                              HE ROSE       Law! Contained within these first three feasts
     FOR OUR           HE WAS
                       BURIED,              AGAIN THE                   is God’s complete plan of salvation.
     SINS…                                THIRD DAY...”
                    1 Corinthians 15:1-4

     Take a careful look at these three New                “FOR INDEED                    1
     Testament passages from Paul’s first epistle to       OUR PASSOVER,
                                                           WAS SACRIFICED
     the Corinthians. This church founded by the                 FOR US.”
     apostle Paul was comprised of Gentiles since

     God Himself commissioned Paul to preach to            1 Cor.5:7

     the Gentiles (Acts 9:15). Being a Gentile church,         “...PURGE OUT THE          2
     there was no reason for Paul to use this Old          LEAVEN...SINCE YOU ARE
     Testament terminology to teach these Gentile
                                                             TRULY UNLEAVENED...
     believers. However, the apostle Paul applies the       LET US KEEP THE FEAST,
                                                           NOT WITH OLD LEAVEN...
                                                           BUT WITH THE UNLEAVENED
     first three feasts, from the Law in Leviticus 23, to        BREAD OF SINCERITY
     get his points across to these Gentile converts.                  AND TRUTH.”
     He is preaching Christ by means of the feasts!                       1 Cor.5:7-8
     If it was permissible for Paul to teach Gentiles in

     such a manner in his day, then it ought to be         “BUT NOW CHRIST IS RISEN FROM  3
                                                             THE DEAD, AND HAS BECOME
     proper for us to do likewise. To do so does not       THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THOSE WHO
     place God’s people in legalism or bondage to
     the Law, but rather just proves that the Old                 HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP...
                                                                 CHRIST THE FIRSTFRUITS,
     Testament contained the same truths as the            AFTERWARD THOSE WHO ARE
                                                           CHRIST’S AT HIS COMING.”
     New Testament. They were merely hidden in

     type and shadow!                                      1 Cor.15:20-23
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