Page 110 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 110

Before we look at the third dispensation contained within the Book of Revelation and the last three

     feasts of Leviticus 23, let me elaborate on a needful area from the centerfold diagram on the previous

     two pages. Specifically, I want to draw your attention to the three terms of the New Covenant and how

     they relate to the three divisions of the feasts:         “THIS IS THE COVENANT
     The church suffers today from half-truths being             THAT I WILL MAKE...”

     presented as the whole-truth. What is being

     taught under the banner of “the New Covenant of           1. “...I WILL PUT MY LAWS IN
     grace” is, in reality, only one-third of what is plainly   THEIR MIND AND WRITE THEM
     stated as the terms of the New Covenant. Few of            ON THEIR HEARTS...” (vs.10)
     God’s people are even aware of where the New
     Covenant spells out its terms. Multitudes seem to         2. “...ALL SHALL KNOW ME,
     blindly follow after the loose theology that the Old      FROM THE LEAST OF THEM
     Covenant is all Law and the New Covenant is all           TO THE GREATEST OF THEM.”
     grace. However, one reading of the New Covenant
     terms would dispel such limited theology, and                 (vs.11)
     unleash God’s people to realize that the covenant         3. “...I WILL BE MERCIFUL TO THEIR
     term of grace is only the foundational truth of the       UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, AND THEIR
     New Covenant. God has higher objectives for His           SINS AND THEIR LAWLESS DEEDS
     people than only saving them by His grace. The            I WILL REMEMBER NO MORE.”

                                                                   (vs.12)          8:10-12

     other two terms of the New Covenant reveal God’s

     ultimate objectives for saving us by His grace.

     The New Covenant has three terms-not one! They were given to unfold a progressive method by which

     redeemed man can progress from his initial encounter with God (RELATIONSHIP to God), to a deeper
     walk with God by means of the tutorship of the Holy Spirit (DISCIPLESHIP by God), unto God’s
     ultimate intention for redeemed man (FELLOWSHIP with God).

     RELATIONSHIP                             “THIS IS                           FELLOWSHIP
         TO GOD:                       THE COVENANT                              WITH GOD:
                                   THAT I WILL MAKE...”
                “...I WILL BE                                                          “...FOR ALL
                   MERCIFUL                                                              SHALL

                 TO THEIR                                                              KNOW ME,
                UNRIGHTEOUS-                                                           FROM THE
                 NESS, AND THEIR                                                       LEAST OF

                  SINS AND THEIR                                                         THEM
                   LAWLESS DEEDS                                                        TO THE
                  I WILL REMEMBER
                     NO MORE.”                                           3 GREATEST
             1                                                                             THEM.”

                 JUSTIFICATION                                     GLORIFICATION

                                      BY GOD:

                                                  “...I WILL       (MATURITY) Hebrews 6:1

                                                    MY LAWS
                                                    IN THEIR


                                                      WRITE THEM
                                                       ON THEIR

                                                  2 HEARTS...”

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