Page 107 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 107


Let us begin to make the correlation between the Feasts of the Lord and the New Testament.
       This is a picture of a 35-foot mural on our sanctuary wall depicting the harmony of
            the Feasts of the Lord with the chronological layout of the New Testament:

As shown above, the New Testament can be divided into three separate dispensations, one past tense
(contents of the four Gospels), one present tense (contents of Acts and the epistles-this present church
age), and the third dispensation being the future (contents of the Book of Revelation). These three
dispensations perfectly harmonize with the three stated terms of the New Covenant found in Hebrews
8:6-13. I have placed the appropriate term under each dispensation in the chart above. We will
examine those covenant terms in a moment. For now, take note that each term of the New Covenant
can be placed under each of the three dispensations, past, present and future.

Also demonstrated above is the proper placement of each of the seven Feasts of the Lord from
Leviticus 23. It is important to note that the chronological order of the feasts is in perfect harmony with
the chronological order of the New Testament. Therefore, we must conclude that God gave the original
feasts this chronological order with what He knew would become the chronological order of the New
Testament. We do not lack for evidence that the contents of the Levitical Law contain revelation about
the person of Jesus as the Christ (Messiah). Paul continually spoke about how the contents of the Law
would reveal knowledge of The Christ:

  “THE LAW               “FOR THE LAW,                “…WITH REGARD TO
       WAS                     HAVING                 A FEAST DAY…SUCH
                                                      THINGS ARE ONLY A
OUR TUTOR                 A SHADOW OF                 SHADOW OF THINGS
TO BRING US                  THE GOOD
 TO CHRIST,                 THINGS TO                         TO COME,
                                COME,                  THEY HAVE ONLY A
   THAT WE                                              SYMBOLIC VALUE.
  MIGHT BE                AND NOT THE
  JUSTIFIED              VERY IMAGE OF                      THE REALITY,
BY CHRIST.”              THE THINGS…”                    THE SUBSTANCE,
                                                       THE SOLID FACT OF
              Gal. 3:24                   Heb. 10:1
                                                                WHAT IS
Note well that Paul specifically singled out the         FORESHADOWED,
contents of the feast days as being a                     THE BODY OF IT
foreshadowing of the work of Christ on earth.        BELONGS TOCColH. 2R:1IS7TA.”mp.
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