Page 95 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 95

~OCTOBER 2010~                                                                                             95

                           IN CHRIST

FAITH FOCUSED                                             FAITH FOCUSED
  UPON GOD’S                                                UPON GOD’S

      SHALL LIVE                                                                                                 FAITH IT IS
       BY FAITH;                                                                                                IMPOSSIBLE

  BUT IF ANYONE                                                                                             TO PLEASE HIM,
    DRAWS BACK,                                                                                          FOR HE WHO COMES

 MY SOUL HAS NO                                                                                               TO GOD MUST
PLEASURE IN HIM.”                                                                                                BELIEVE…”
                                                                                                                   Heb. 11:6
       Heb. 10:38

In light of the heavy emphasis God places upon the necessity of His people living a life of faith, we
need to have “focused faith.” The word “faith” by itself is open to a wide interpretation of meaning and
remains a nebulous expression until we place it next to definitive concepts such as is stated in the
above passage from Hebrews 11:1. Now we have faith practically defined for us: Faith is to be the
substance of the things we hope for, and the evidence of things we do not (yet) see. Note faith is to
have both substance and evidence which prevents it from remaining a nebulous and undefined
concept. Faith consists of things that are “hoped for” and things that are “not seen.” It is the conviction
of this teacher of God’s Word that our faith is specifically to be focused upon the PROMISES of God as
containing “things hoped for”, and that our faith is also to be specifically focused upon PROPHECY as
revealing what is meant by “things not seen.” Proper focus upon these two concepts will enable us to
live a life of focused faith that will be well-pleasing to God.
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