Page 100 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 100

THE                         : What is the expressed WILL of God                              :
                                              concerning His promise of THE
                                         salvation? It is that NONE should

                                     perish and ALL come to repentance.

       “THE LORD IS NOT SLACK           What does prophecy state WILL        “ BUT THE REST OF MANKIND…DID
     CONCERNING HIS PROMISE,            happen? Most of mankind, even          NOT REPENT OF THE WORKS OF
                                       under severe judgment by God’s
       …BUT IS LONGSUFFERING            hand, will not repent. Obviously,    THEIR HANDS, THAT THEY SHOULD
                 TOWARD US,                                                      NOT WORSHIP DEMONS, AND
                 NOT WILLING               we are not talking about the            IDOLS…AND THEY DID NOT
                                     sovereignty of God’s will taking place                REPENT OF THEIR
      THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH,        here, but rather the sovereign will of           MURDERS…SORCERIES…
         BUT THAT ALL SHOULD          man bringing about his own demise
                                                                             SEXUAL IMMORALITY OR THEFTS.”
       COME TO REPENTANCE.”                     by his own free will.                           Rev. 9:20-21
                     2 Pet. 3:9
                                                                                  (NEGATIVE REALITY)

 :THE                                 God’s promise to the Body of       :THE
                                        Christ was one of growth,
      “AND HE GAVE SOME TO BE            edification, ministry and             “ BUT THERE WERE ALSO FALSE
                                     protection that would come by
       …PASTORS AND TEACHERS,        means of the five-fold ministry        AS THERE WILL BE FALSE TEACHERS
FOR THE EQUIPPING OF THE SAINTS      gifts. Notice they were given to       AMONG YOU, WHO WILL SECRETLY
                                                                         BRING IN DESTRUCTIVE HERESIES…AND
     FOR THE WORK OF MINISTRY,          protect the believers from       MANY WILL FOLLOW THE DESTRUCTIVE
FOR THE EDIFYING OF THE BODY OF        false doctrines of teachers         WAYS, BECAUSE OF WHOM THE WAY
 CHRIST, TILL WE ALL COME TO THE                                           OF TRUTH WILL BE BLASPHEMED. BY
                                          who would lie in wait to         COVETOUSNESS THEY WILL EXPLOIT
    UNITY OF THE FAITH AND THE          deceive with their cunning
 KNOWLEDGE OF THE SON OF GOD,                                                 YOU WITH DECEPTIVE WORDS…”
                                           craftiness. What does                                 2 Pet.2:1-3
             TO A PERFECT MAN,         prophecy tell us is going to
TO THE MEASURE AND STATURE OF           happen? Many of God’s                “FOR THE TIME WILL COME WHEN
                                                                              THEY WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND
        THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST;           people will prefer false
  THAT WE SHOULD NO LONGER BE        teachers of their own choosing      DOCTRINE, BUT ACCORDING TO THEIR
   CHILDREN, TOSSED TO AND FRO                                              OWN DESIRES…THEY WILL HEAP UP
 AND CARRIED ABOUT WITH EVERY          and be led into destructive               FOR THEMSELVES TEACHERS;
                                       heresies that will cause the          AND THEY WILL TURN THEIR EARS
      WIND OF DOCTRINE, BY THE                                                    AWAY FROM THE TRUTH…”
        TRICKERY OF MEN, IN THE              way of truth to be                                 2 Tim. 4:3-4
                                     blasphemed. Is this God’s will
  CUNNING CRAFTINESS BY WHICH         or man’s will being exalted?                 (NEGATIVE REALITY)

                    Eph. 4:11-14


     :THE                            It is the same Holy Spirit that is                           :

                 “BUT THE HELPER,    committed to guiding the            THE
           THE HOLY SPIRIT…HE WILL   believer into all truth that

            TEACH YOU ALL THINGS,    prophetically warns believers
               AND BRING TO YOUR
                                        that in the last days some           “BUT THE SPIRIT EXPRESSLY SAYS
        REMEMBRANCE ALL THINGS…       believers will depart from the                 THAT IN LATTER TIMES
                          Jn. 14:26    faith by means of deceiving                      SOME WILL DEPART
                                                                                         FROM THE FAITH,
           AND WHEN HE HAS COME,         spirits that counterfeit the                        GIVING HEED
        HE WILL CONVICT THE WORLD    leading of the Spirit of God with               TO DECEIVING SPIRITS
      OF SIN AND OF RIGHTEOUSNESS    whisperings of, “Thus says the
                                     Lord.” I have seen good people            AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS,
               AND OF JUDGMENT…       being led astray by deceiving                         SPEAKING LIES
                HE WILL GUIDE YOU    spirits and doctrines of demons                       IN HYPOCRISY,
      INTO ALL TRUTH…HE WILL TELL    that counterfeit the voice of the
         YOU OF THINGS TO COME…”                                                       HAVING THEIR OWN
                                        Spirit of God. John warns,                    CONSCIENCE SEARED
                        Jn. 16:8-13                                                   WITH A HOT IRON…”

      (POSITIVE POTENTIAL)                                                                     1 Tim. 4:1-2

                                     “Do not believe every spirit, but        (NEGATIVE REALITY)
                                     test the spirits, whether they are

                                     of God…” (1 Jn. 4:1)
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