Page 125 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 125


This Christmas article has always
been somewhat painful for me as I
have appeared on Ken Hamblin’s
radio show several times in defense of
the remnant of true Christianity. As
you read the article you will sense the
cynicism Ken has for what he has
seen in Christianity. I had developed a
good rapport with Ken to the point that
he offered me his program if I ever
needed it to defend a point from a
more balanced Christian perspective.
The content of this article bears
witness to the words of Jesus when
He warned His disciples that
“…the sons of this world are more
shrewd in their generation than the
sons of light” (Luke 16:8). It bothered
Ken that Christians always tried to
defend the indefensible such as
labeling Christmas as a Christian
Holiday in spite of its historical pagan

Recently in Denver, forces of the
“Religious Right” (the political arm of
Christianity) launched a heated
organized campaign in which they
threatened to universally boycott all
commercial establishments that have
chosen to replace the words
“Merry Christmas” with the phrase,
“Happy Holidays” in their
advertisements. We must ask:
Does this influence unbelievers?
Is this effective evangelism?
No, it is not evangelistic, but rather a
defiant protest against the unbeliever
for removing Christ from the
Christian’s sacred Christmas. Rather
than seeking to INFLUENCE the
unbeliever, we see an attempt to
DOMINATE them. As Ken proves in
this article, Christmas was never a
Christian event – however, regardless
of the facts, some continue to attempt
to defend the indefensible.

In the year 1988 I made a difficult choice for our congregation in ceasing to corporately celebrate
Christmas as being the birth of Christ. I replaced this Holiday with the biblical perspective that Jesus was
born on the first Holy Day of the Feast of Tabernacles which occurs early in the fall rather than in the
impossible wintry date of Dec. 25th. However, I must stress that the date of Christ’s birth is not the real
issue I have with the Christmas Holiday, but rather I have conflict with the attached pagan-based
trappings of Santa Claus, Christmas trees, etc. that dominate this popular December 25th celebration of
the birth of Christ. As God’s people, we cannot condone mixing the pagan with the pure.

                                                                                                                                                 Amaury De Reincourt
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