Page 120 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 120

Before we examine some of the Holidays that have replaced God’s Holy Days,
                                     let us consider that there is a

     “TRAIN UP                MIND BEHIND THE SYSTEM                                           “AND THESE
     A CHILD IN                                                                             WORDS WHICH
                                           “WE KNOW…THE WHOLE WORLD
       THE WAY                   LIES UNDER THE SWAY OF THE WICKED ONE…                       I COMMAND
     HE SHOULD               LITTLE CHILDREN, KEEP YOURSELVES FROM IDOLS”                          YOU…

           GO,                                              1 Jn. 5:19, 21                     YOU SHALL
     AND WHEN                                                                                 TEACH THEM
      HE IS OLD                                                                             DILIGENTLY TO

       HE WILL                                                                                      YOUR
          NOT                                                                                   CHILDREN,
                                                                                             AND TALK OF
        DEPART                                                                                THEM WHEN
     FROM IT.”                                                                                  YOU SIT IN
                 Prov. 22:6

                             THE  THE
                             MIND BEHIND SYSTEM

                                 SATAN IS AFTER YOUR CHILDREN!

     The catalyst that propelled Adolph Hitler to power in the 40’s was how he focused on the children in the
     30’s. His patriotic youth programs were used to brainwash Germany’s children into becoming fanatic
     followers that would grow into adulthood espousing the same ethnic hatred for the Jews that obsessed
     Hitler. So radical were his youth programs that many a parent were turned in by their children for
     expressing anti-Hitler views in the privacy of their homes. Where did Hitler get the kind of brutal,
     merciless soldiers so willing to enslave and slaughter the Jews? They came from his now-grown-up
     indoctrinated youth groups of the 30’s.

     It has been well said that the pathway to the heart of parents is through their children. That is why

     Christianity has so many “youth outreach programs”, isn’t it? Get to the children and you will

     eventually get the parents! God knows the importance of training our children

     “TRAIN UP                       properly. He places that responsibility directly          “AND THESE
     A CHILD IN                                      upon the shoulders of                  WORDS WHICH
                                                           the parents:
       THE WAY                                                                                I COMMAND
     HE SHOULD               The above childish imagery of the Holidays is Satan’s bait            YOU…
                                    designed for the hearts of your young children.
           GO,                                                                                 YOU SHALL
     AND WHEN                You participate in indoctrinating them in these cherished,       TEACH THEM
      HE IS OLD              magical holidays, and when they grow up you can be sure        DILIGENTLY TO
                              they will not depart from them, but will rather pass these
       HE WILL                                                                                      YOUR
          NOT                   Satanic pagan-based traditions on to their children as          CHILDREN,
                               well! Do not think these are merely fun-filled, harmless      AND TALK OF
        DEPART                                                                                THEM WHEN
     FROM IT.”                       traditions that you are teaching your children!            YOU SIT IN
                 Prov. 22:6

     Dear Christian parent: I plead with you! Are you guilty of ignoring teaching God’s Holy Days to your

     children in favor of the world’s pagan-based Holidays? Deuteronomy tells us to teach “these words

     which I command you…you shall teach them diligently to your children…” Why so?

                             Because God is looking for godly offspring! ( Mal. 2:15).

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