Page 122 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 122


             “History traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics…Their two main feasts were Beltane
             at the beginning of summer (May 1), and Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween) at the end of summer (Nov.
             1). They believed Samhain was a time when the division between the two worlds became very thin, when
             hostile supernatural forces were active and ghosts and spirits were free to wander as they wished.
             …Some trace the origins of present day "trick-or-treat" to Samhain, which was the supreme night of
             demonic jubilation. Spirits of the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to
             return to the homes where they formerly lived. Frightened villagers tried to appease these wandering
             spirits by offering them gifts of fruit and nuts. They began the tradition of placing plates of the finest food
             and bits of treats that the household had to offer on their doorsteps, as gifts, to appease the hunger of the
             ghostly wanderers… The only thing the superstitious people knew to do to protect themselves on such an
             occasion was to masquerade as one of the demonic hoard, and hopefully blend in unnoticed among
             them. Wearing masks and other disguises and blackening the face with soot were originally ways of
             hiding oneself from the spirits of the dead who might be roaming around.

             This is the origin of Halloween, masquerading as devils and other demonic creatures…
             When Christianity spread to parts of Europe, instead of trying to abolish these pagan customs, people
             tried to introduce ideas which reflected a more Christian world-view. Halloween has since become a
             confusing mixture of traditions and practices from pagan cultures and Christian tradition... To witches,
             Halloween is a festival of the dead, and represents the "end and the beginning of the witches year. It
             marks the beginning of the death and destruction associated with winter. At this time the power of the
             underworld is unleashed…it is considered the best time to contact spirits…

              Is Halloween just another innocent holiday that doesn't harm anyone? Is it really just childish fun? Should
             the church be compromised by accommodating itself to the culture? Vandalism and wanton disregard for
             the property of others is common on Halloween night. Even normally well-behaved children are driven by
             unseen forces to destructive behavior. Police officials everywhere report a great increase in such
             activities on Halloween. Worse yet are the horrifying accounts of poisoned candy and fruits booby-trapped
             with razor blades and needles. Such threats are so real that many hospitals offer free X-rays of
             Halloween treats in order to prevent children from being harmed. Who but Satan could inspire such
             monstrous actions?

             When America celebrates the powers of darkness by masquerading as evil creatures or decorating our
             homes, schools, businesses and churches with occult symbols, Satanic power is glorified. While you may
             have participated "all in fun," be assured, Halloween is serious business for Satanists and witches. Those
             who oppose Christ are known to organize on Halloween to observe satanic rituals, to cast spells, to
             oppose churches and families, to perform sacrilegious acts, and to even offer blood sacrifices to Satan.
             While some may say, "But we only do this in fun...we don't practice witchcraft," those things that represent
             Satan cannot be handled or emulated "for fun". Such participation places you in enemy and forbidden
             territory and that is dangerous ground. Tom Sanguinet, former high priest in the Celtic tradition of Wicca
             (witchcraft) said "The modern holiday we call Halloween has its origins in the full moon closest to
             November 1, the witches’ New Year. It was a time when the "spirits" (demons) were supposed to be at
             their peak power and revisiting the earth planet.“ Halloween is purely and absolutely evil, and there is
             nothing we ever have or will do that would make it acceptable to the Lord Jesus. Americans have
             embraced an evil day of Satan, with the pranks of would be hoodlums, combined with demon faces,
             clothing of death being worn, and calling it fun. When Christians participate in Halloween, it sends a
             message to children that witchcraft, demonism, Satanism, and the occult are something fun, entertaining
             and harmless. Halloween does not have even one single redeeming virtue. It is custom born out of pagan
             superstition. It is a demon-inspired, devil-glorifying, occult festival. It is an evening holy unto evil, death,
             and divination. The Scriptures tells us to "Abstain from all appearance of evil." [1Thess. 5:22] Wake up
             Christian! This is the night of evil and those who love the Lord Jesus Christ should have nothing to do with

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