Page 16 - Divinely Complete A Study in God's Threefold Cords
P. 16


      “A           IS   “THE FAITH:                       “A                       IS
THREEFOLD  NOT QUICKLY                              THREEFOLD              NOT QUICKLY

    CORD      BROKEN”                                   CORD                  BROKEN”

                      RIGHTEOUSNESS, SELF-CONTROL,             Ecc. 4:12

           Ecc. 4:12
                        JUDGMENT TO COME”

We can be like the apostle Paul who “kept the faith”
or we can be like those charged with “departing from
the faith.”The difference lies in understanding what is
considered to be “the faith.”

According to Paul, “the faith” consists of a threefold
cord of “righteousness, self-control, and judgment to
come” (Acts 24:24-26). Cultivate this threefold cord and
you too will be able to proclaim, “I have kept the faith.”

            SOME                           I HAVE
             WILL                            KEPT
            FROM                           2 Tim. 4:6

           1 Tim.4:1
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