Page 14 - Divinely Complete A Study in God's Threefold Cords
P. 14


      “A                      IS   “THE FIRST RESURRECTION:                    “A                       IS
THREEFOLD             NOT QUICKLY                                        THREEFOLD              NOT QUICKLY
                                    FIRSTFRUITS, MAIN HARVEST,
    CORD                 BROKEN”                 GLEANINGS”                  CORD                  BROKEN”

           Ecc. 4:12                                                                Ecc. 4:12

The final stage of the salvation of man is the saving of
the body through the resurrection of the dead. This is
the means by which God shall destroy His last
enemy which is stated below to be death. Although
we have salvation to our spirit (past) and salvation is
being worked out in our soul (present), the body is yet
to be “saved” but is a promise for the future.

The resurrection is a threefold cord which God will
perform on three of His Feast days:

                                           “THE LAST ENEMY               1 Cor. 15:26
                                   THAT WILL BE DESTROYED IS


                                    (COMPLETED ON FEAST OF FIRSTFRUITS)

                                   THE FIRST RESURRECTION

                      (ON FEAST OF TRUMPETS)  (ON DAY OF ATONEMENT)
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