Page 20 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 20

Let us consider:


   The Almighty is defined for us in the New Testament, not just by the single
   limited Greek name of “Theos” (God), but also by all the other specific
   names/titles that Jesus claimed for Himself. Here are 12 of those various
   names/titles that He claimed that describe different aspects who He is:

                                “I am THE BREAD OF LIFE” John 6:31
                                “I am THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” John 8:12
                                “I am THE DOOR...” John 10:7
                                “I am THE GOOD SHEPHERD..” John 10:11
                                “I am THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE..” John 11:25
                                “I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE…” John 14:26
                                “I am THE TRUE VINE…” John 15:1
                                “I am HE… John 18:6
                                “I am JESUS OF NAZARETH…” John 18:6
                                “I am ALPHA AND OMEGA…”Rev. 1:11
                                “I am THE FIRST AND THE LAST…”Rev. 1:17
                                “I am THE ROOT AND OFFSPRING OF DAVID…”Rev. 22:16

 Do you realize how much knowledge of the Almighty is contained within the
 confines of these twelve titles of Jesus? Can you see that to study each topic in
 depth how much your knowledge of God would increase? What does it take?
 It requires considering the specific names and titles of God as stated in scripture!
 There is revelation contained in His various names and titles.

 Let me now change the above displayed chart with a different emphasis that will
 give you a NEW revelation of Jesus claiming to be “I AM.” I point you to how
 each of these 12 names/titles of Jesus begin purposely with the words, I AM:

                           “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE” John 6:31
                           “I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD” John 8:12
                           “I AM THE DOOR...” John 10:7
                           “I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD..” John 10:11
                           “I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE..” John 11:25
                           “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE…” John 14:26
                           “I AM THE TRUE VINE…” John 15:1
                           “I AM HE… John 18:6
                           “I AM JESUS OF NAZARETH…” John 18:6
                           “I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA…”Rev. 1:11
                           “I AM THE FIRST AND THE LAST…”Rev. 1:17
                           “I AM THE ROOT AND OFFSPRING OF DAVID…”Rev. 22:16

It is not mere happenstance that Jesus prefaces all twelve of His titles above with the
words I AM. In the Hebrew scriptures I AM is the most revered and solemn name
for the Almighty found in the Old Testament! (“HYH”–the eternal “I AM.”)
However, since the Second A.D., this Name, I AM (as well as several others), were
forbidden by Rabbinical Judaism’s rules of handed-down tradition to even be spoken
out loud. When this Name, I AM approached being vocalized it was always
substituted with another name of the Almighty, that of the Lord (Adonai) or the
substitute name, HaShem which just means, the Name.

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