Page 25 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 25

Among the 25           ““PELULROAHLITIYM”
primary Hebrew
names describing the     “PLURALITY
Almighty is this one:     IN UNITY”

The Name “ELOHIM” appears 2,197 times in
the Old Testament Hebrew Scripture and
thereby qualifies as being among the top three
Hebrew Names used for the Almighty.
However, it is a name surrounded in controversy
and dispute between scholars of Rabbinical
Judaism and Christianity.

                       Elohim, elohim transliterated plural title {430
                       elohim} plural of {433 eloahh, elowahh}; this
                       plural title has a dual interpretation; at times
                       it refers to pagan gods, and at times to the
                       triune Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

                                           Exegeses Parallel Bible, Exegete, Herb Jahn, page 1868,
                                                                  Summaries -Lexicon

                       If you research the Name “ELOHIM” on the
                       Internet you will usually see the phrase
                       “PLURALITY IN UNITY” attached to it as in
                       the above list from Exegete Herb Jahn’s
                       Exegeses Parallel Bible.

However, in your research you may also find a similar phrase attached to the
Hebrew Name “ELOHIM” which is “PLURALITY IN MAJESTY”, and especially if
you happen to be searching on a Rabbinical Judaism website. “PLURALITY IN
UNITY” is a Christian rebuttal phrase to the Rabbinical Jewish phrase of

““PELULROAHLITIYM”         You may remember the            ““PELULROAHLITIYM”
                       classic old science-fiction book,
  “PLURALITY                                                   “PLURALITY
                             “War of the Worlds”?              IN UNITY”
                       This is a depiction of
IN MAJESTY”                                               Christianity’s stance…

Rabbinical Judaism’s stance… “The War of the Words”!

The Hebrew language is very exacting leaving little or no leeway in defining its
meaning. The Hebrew Name ‘ELOHIM” is a strong PLURAL noun appearing
2,197 times in the Hebrew Scripture as among the top three Names for the
Almighty. Since Rabbinical Judaism is strong in their belief of a monotheistic God,
then they must hold a totally different perspective as to the meaning of ELOHIM.
It certainly can’t represent a “PLURAL GODHEAD” in a monotheistic religion,
so ELOHIM” is therefore taught as “PLURALITY IN (His) MAJESTY” rather than
a literal Triune Godhead functioning by means of “PLURALITY IN UNITY.”

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