Page 19 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 19


Consider below this quotation pertaining to the origin of the Rabbinical practice of
substitution of the name the Lord (Adonai) for the forbidden sacred name of I AM.
It is somewhat difficult to digest, but ponder it carefully as it depicts a prime example
of man’s tradition replacing God’s truth. It is called “the Tetragrammaton”:

   The Hebrew word “‫( ”יהוה‬Lord) is used as a name for the God of Israel
   nearly seven thousand times in the Hebrew Bible! Theologians call it the
T  tetragrammaton...the meaning of the tetragrammaton is in the third
R  chapter of the Book of Exodus:                                                 T
A  “Then Moses said to God, Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel         E
D  and say to them The God of your fathers has sent me to you, and they           T
I  say to me, What is His name? what shall I say to them? And God said to         R
T  Moses, I AM who I AM (‫) ֶא ְהיֶה ֲא ֶשׁר ֶא ְהיֶה‬. And He said, Thus you shall  A
I  say to the children of Israel, I AM (‫ ) ֶא ְהיֶה‬has sent me to you.            G
   Moreover God said to Moses, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:
O THE LORD (‫…)יהוה‬has sent me to you. This is My name forever…” R
AN Exodus 3:13-15
   Here, as in most English versions, we find ‫ יהוה‬represented by the             M
O  English word “Lord.” But this is not a translation of (Lord) ‫יהוה‬, it is a     M
F  kind of substitution In this the English versions are following an             A
M  ancient tradition, which was also observed by the writers of the New           T
   Testament. Long before the birth of Christ it had become customary
   among Jews to avoid pronouncing the sacred Name by substituting ‫ֲאדָֹני‬
E (Adonai, meaning “Lord”) for ‫ יהוה‬when the Hebrew text was read O
N aloud, …”                                                                       N

Even in our English translations of the Old Testament there is a wide substitution
of the Hebrew word for the Name, “I AM” with the phrase, “the Lord.”
Apart from using a good interlinear or exegeses bible translation (see page 3), you
cannot identify in our modern English translations where the phrase “I AM” has
been replaced by “the Lord.”
You may not know it, but our English Bible translations are still under the strong
influence of cherished traditions handed-down by ancient Rabbinical Judaism. Just
read the introductory pages in your personal English translation pertaining to who
the Hebrew scholars were. Many have their roots in Rabbinical Judaism. They are
among the selected experts that are consulted by those printing our English bibles!
When it comes to His Names cherished tradition has replaced truth! It is the power
of handed-down Rabbinical tradition that has fearfully substituted the Hebrew
word, “LORD” for revered Hebrew names such as “I AM”, considered “too Holy”
to be spoken or written! God becomes “G-d” and Lord becomes “L-rd.”
Just too Holy to be uttered! Listen: The Almighty wants His names to be spoken
verbally out loud, worshipped out loud and to be written just as initially given by
Him! Please, no man-made substitutes permitted!

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