Page 68 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 68


    The historical event being attributed to “the Roman God of the sea,
                        Neptune” by our founding fathers is:

                            The first Transatlantic telegraph cable
     The Transatlantic cable bridged the North American continent and Europe,
    and expedited communication between the two. Whereas it would normally
    take weeks to deliver a message by ship, it now took a matter of minutes by
    telegraph. There were three attempts over an eight-year period, 1858, 1865,

                   and 1866, before a lasting connection was achieved.
                                 (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

    Were our “Christian” founding fathers oblivious to the multitudes of
    Scriptures that God alone has authority over the power of raging
    seas? (see Psm. 89:8-9). If they needed divine help, why then give
    public credit to the fictitious pagan Roman god of the sea, Neptune
    and the goddess of love, Venus to help in this difficult task of laying
    a cable in the depths of the sea?

    How would you as a Christian parent like to explain this ridiculous sensual mural that our “Christian” founding
    fathers selected to represent this historical event? This is a worse lie than Santa Claus. Look at this ancient
    powerful figure riding in his horse-drawn chariot, holding his scepter of authority in hand, and tell me if this isn’t a
    counterfeit of God Himself? (just like Santa Claus is also a counterfeit). Shame on our “Christian” founding
    fathers! What a crummy brand of Christianity they held up before the people. We continue to protect this mural as
    if it were the Mona Lisa. Any Christian worth his salt should want to whitewash over the whole abominable thing
    and put up something that glorifies our God! Problem is, our founding fathers (and the nation they founded) were
    not Christian at all as this barrage of Roman imagery proves.

      I have saved the best (or the worst) for the last. This is the center piece of the whole mural. It is the deifying of
      George Washington to the rank of Caesar-god. What is behind this? Ancient Roman beliefs that the founder of the
      Roman Empire, Julius Caesar himself, was taken to this place of deification. The mural’s golden light of Julius
      radiates downward to Washington, next in the line of Julius. Like the Roman Caesars before him, Washington has
      become Pontifex Maximus, God, Judge, Caesar, the father of his (Roman) country.

    Two goddess carry George Washington up to
    his new heavenly throne, the goddess Victory
    and the goddess Liberty ( from whom the
    Statue of Liberty is named.)

    Notice what “Victory” has
    in her hand. Yes, it is the
    cherished Roman fasces
    we considered earlier.

    Constantino Brumidi. The point needs to be
    imagery was approved by the presiding
    Congresses of 1860-1865. Julius Caesar’s
    reign was the prototype from which this
    mural was taken. (see book VI of Virgil’s
    Aeneid or Rulers of Evil, F.Tupper Saussy
    pages 255-256). Remember, the
    Persephone figure that adorns the Capitol
    dome stands on a pedestal depicting the
    previous 12 Caesars and holds in her hand
    a 13th wreath as if she is ready to crown the
    next world Caesar (page 26). This could be
    the deification of George Washington as the
    next Caesar.

    However, I believe that she prophetically holds the crowning wreath of this world’s last Caesar, the Antichrist, the
    Roman prince which Daniel 7 describes. He will be one of the presidents of the US, the new (and last) Roman
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