Page 67 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 67

OMMAANN GGOODD MMEERRCCUURRYY -- GGOODD OOFF CCOOMMMMEERRCCEE                                                                   67

                                                                     Mercury, was the patron of travelers, merchants (deity of

                                                                  commerce), rogues, and thieves; as well as being the Roman

                                                                   wind deity. His festival was celebrated on May 15, at which

                                                                    time merchants sprinkled themselves and their wares with

                                                                    holy water to ensure large profits. Mercury is the source of
                                                                       words such as market, merchandise, merchant …”

                                                                                          (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

                                                                  This Roman god has a bad reputation like the deceiver Judas,
                                                                  who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. He is like Balaam “…who
                                                                  loved the wages of unrighteousness” (2 Pet. 2:15). And yet, our
                                                                  “Christian” founding fathers chose him as a role model for
                                                                  instructing and guiding American commerce at the time of the
                                                                  Revolutionary War.

The man with pen in hand looking up for direction from this Roman conniver of commerce, is Robert Morris, the
Superintendent of Finance, the highest officer in the United States under the Articles of Confederation in 1781.
Notice Mercury has a bag of gold in his hand and his foot raised to “kissing level” before Robert Morris. Is Morris
signing a business contract on behalf of the United States that has been drawn up by this conniving Roman god?
Perhaps history says yes, for Robert Morris was personally responsible for funding the war effort in its last days in
that he raised $1,400,000 upon merchandising his own redeemable notes (Rulers of Evil, F. Tupper Saussy, pages
260-261). How many wars have been funded by secret deals pertaining to benefits of commercial trade? How else
do you explain a Muslim nation like Pakistan suddenly becoming the friend and ally of America after 9/11? Perhaps
they were bought out by the under-the-table deals inspired by the Roman god of commerce, Mercury.


We will consider these two concepts together. Again we have our founding fathers giving public credit
for the abundance of the land as coming from “the gods.” Not from THE one and only true God, but
rather from the Roman god Vulcan, god of the forge, and the Roman goddess Ceres, the goddess of
agriculture. When God brought the children of Israel into their promised land, He was clear with them
that He was the provider for whatever the land grew, or whatever they were able to dig out of the ground
(iron and copper for the forge- see Deut. 8:7-10)

What was required of them in return for this abundant land of provision? :

                                         “…THEN YOU SHALL BLESS THE LORD YOUR GOD
                               FOR THE GOOD LAND WHICH HE HAS GIVEN YOU.” Deut. 8:10

Why then would our founding fathers, as Christians, well aware of what God has spoken to the children of Israel
(our examples 1Cor. 10), choose to publicly display a mural in the dome of the nation’s Capitol that glorifies and
thanks two Roman pagan deities for all that this abundant land of America has produced for its inhabitants? There
is only one answer:

                                                                NOR WERE THANKFUL…”
                                                                             Rom. 1:21
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