Page 54 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 54

    Christianity in America is
    repeating the sin of Israel       “THE KINGDOM OF GOD” “THE GOVERNMENT OF GOD”
    of wanting an earthly king        (DIVINELY FOUNDED BY GOD)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (DIVINELY INSPIRED BY GOD)
    (President) to rule over
    them, lies in the erroneous
    hypothesis of America
    having been initially
    created by God as His
    new “One Nation Under
    God” with the stated goal
    for its leaders to
    demonstrate to all the rest
    of the world that
    “In God We Trust.”

    Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BUSH
    Glen Beck, and James
    Dobson are ever fueling      What the righteous can do is to re-examine the foundations of America to
    the fervency among God’s            see that they are embracing the wrong kingdom! America is not the
    people of returning this
    country back to its so-        Kingdom of God! The teachings of Christ plainly refute any such notion
    called God-inspired                              that any earthly kingdom constitutes the Kingdom of God.
    foundations. War has
    been declared with
    banner cries of,

           ARE DESTROYED,
               WHAT CAN

                 Psm. 11:3

    All earthly kingdoms are physical ones with geographical locations, but the Kingdom of God is a
    spiritual Kingdom that already has a “Christian President.” His name is King Jesus, and His intent is to
    reign directly over His people that are in America just as He desired to reign over the people of Israel.
    It does not matter who is the President of the United States. What matters is who is the King over the
    Kingdom of God. What matters is that we understand what is the Kingdom of God over which Christ
    reigns. There is coming a day when each one of us, as professing followers of Jesus Christ, will gave
    an account for deeds done in the body ( the physical body and the spiritual Body of Christ)

    This is a judgment for Christian        “THEREFORE WE MAKE IT OUR AIM…
                                                     TO BE WELL PLEASING TO HIM.
    stewardship. It is a judgment of the          FOR WE MUST ALL APPEAR BEFORE
    citizens of the Kingdom of God for
    their interaction within that Kingdom.          THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST,
                                            THAT EACH ONE MAY RECEIVE THE THINGS
                                            DONE IN THE BODY,
    Have we fulfilled the mandate to “seek  ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS DONE,
                                                    WHETHER GOOD OR BAD.”
    first the Kingdom of God and His                             2 Cor. 5:9-10
    righteousness” as King Jesus
    commands us to do? (Matt. 6:33).

    It will be a day of accountability as to whether we have focused on
    the true Kingdom of God as Paul revealed it as consisting of “…righteousness and peace and joy in
    the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 14:17). It is in these three things that Paul states, “For he who serves Christ in
    these things is acceptable to God” (Rom. 14:18) Or will we have spent all our time, effort, zeal and
    finances in pursuit of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as being the Kingdom of God?
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