Page 9 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 9


           “THE LORD”?

     “I AM                                         “THE LORD IS
 THE LORD,                                          OUR JUDGE,
                                                   THE LORD IS
    THAT IS                                      OUR LAWGIVER,
MY NAME…”                                          THE LORD IS
                                                     OUR KING;
                                                 HE (THE LORD)
                                                  WILL SAVE US”

Isa. 42:8                                        Isa. 33:22

In these two great prophetic                           Isaiah also identifies what is the
passages from Isaiah we are given                delegated authority (subtitles) given
the name of God as “the Lord.”
                                                        to the one bearing that name.

First of all, I want to convey to you dear reader, the great significance and impact
these two passages from Isaiah have had on me as a teacher of God’s Word.
Over the past fifty years of my ministry I have always given a place of great
preeminence to what is portrayed above from the Book of Isaiah.

For instance, this is a picture of a wall in
our old church building upon which I displayed
the content of Isaiah 33:22. I kept this visual
there for nearly forty years that we occupied
that old building. I wanted it to always be a
constant reminder to the people (and to myself)
of what is the biblical meaning of the title of
Jesus Christ as, the Lord.

Below is a recent snapshot of the main wall in my present study located adjacent to
our public meeting room in our new location. Although we downsized our building,
I increased the size of this visual display of Isaiah 33:22 to encompass a full wall.
The truth it displays just gets bigger and bigger in the eyes of this old teacher.
Like the original in our old building, I placed this new larger display also to serve as a
constant visual reminder to myself and as well as to all those in our congregation as
to what the saying “the Lord” really conveys:

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