Page 12 - Elohim - Almighty Godhead
P. 12

2. THE LORD is the one who is OUR KING:

Paul ties the act of salvation to being simultaneously delivered out of the power of
darkness and immediately transferred into the kingdom of God’s Son:

                                             “…GIVING THANKS TO THE FATHER
                                     WHO HAS QUALIFIED US TO BE PARTAKERS OF
                                   THE INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS IN THE LIGHT.
                              HE HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS

                               TRANSLATED US INTO THE KINGDOM OF THE SON

                                                              OF HIS LOVE,
                             IN WHOM WE HAVE REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD,

                                                   THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS.”
                                                                       Col. 1:12-14

So then, it is the Lord (“supreme in authority, life-controller, Master of all”) who
saves us by forgiving our sins. We need to hear that carefully. It isn’t just Jesus our
Savior who saves us, but it is the Lord who saves us, and He does so with a purpose.
The Lord saves us in order that we can now meet Him as King Jesus.

Jesus has a kingdom functioning under His authority into which we are now placed.
This kingdom does not exist just in eternity, but right now by the act of salvation we
enter into living a new life in a new kingdom. The Lord who saves us has now
become the Lord who is King over His Kingdom.

However, I must stress that there is a mystery surrounding the Kingdom of God.
Jesus describes His present kingdom as a spiritual one that abides within the heart of
His people:

                             “NOW WHEN HE WAS ASKED BY THE PHARISEES WHEN
                                        THE KINGDOM OF GOD WOULD COME,
                                              HE ANSWERED THEM AND SAID,

                                 NOR WILL THEY SAY, 'SEE HERE!' OR 'SEE THERE!'
                                                            FOR INDEED,
                                    THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU.”
                                                           Luke 17:20-21

Rather than the erroneous pursuit of our American Puritan forefathers who sought to
create a literal “city on a hill” for all the world to see and obey, God’s present
Kingdom on earth can exist any place where His people are found.
This Kingdom can exist in the midst of oppressive dictatorships or under false religious
kingdoms such as the Muslim oppressive powers we see presently on earth.

The true Kingdom of God can even exist in the midst of a so-called “Christian”
kingdom such as America’s earth-minded cherished concept of “One nation under
God” and “In God we trust.” None of these things constitute the real Kingdom of
God as proclaimed in the detailed teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in
Matthew Chapters Five through Seven. These three chapters should be thoroughly
digested by every follower of Christ!
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