Page 86 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 86


                                                              1 Jn. 5:19

    “Cremation is a practice of ancient pagan origin. It was one of the ceremonies involved in ancient fire
    worship. In an article entitled, “Cremation,” the Encyclopedia Americana states:
    “In primitive cultures [that] have survived into modern times cremation is widely practiced. Burning
    is not only supposed to destroy the dead body most effectively and thus prevent the possible return
    of the ghost, but since fire serves also as a purifying [agent], it is often considered a good means of
    warding off evil spirits… Besides discouraging the ghost from haunting the corpse and its former
    abode, and serving as a means of purification from evil spirits and the contamination associated with
    the dead body, cremation has also, in some instances…been associated with a belief in a heavenly
    abode for the spirit of the deceased. The flames of the funeral pyre, leaping upward, are thought to
    facilitate the ascent of the soul.”

    I can hear the cry of opposition saying, “But I don’t believe such mystical nonsense today! That is not
    why I choose to be cremated!” The absence of faith in the beliefs of such ancient mysticism behind
    cremation is not the point! I am merely stating what was the motivation behind the practice of burning
    the body at death. It is the ORIGIN of cremation we are establishing. The question for every Christian to
    consider is this: Why does a believer in Jesus Christ reject the clear-cut biblical practice of burial of the
    body in favor of an ancient custom and tradition invented by idolatrous pagan worshippers of the “Fire
    Gods”? Why choose a method of disposing of the body that is steeped in idolatrous pagan beliefs
    rather than obey the biblical pattern of Scripture for burial at death? If a Christian is rejecting God’s
    specified plan for the body at death and replacing it with one of pagan origin, then the reason may not
    be spiritually-based at all. Why the increase in cremation vs. burial?This is but one of many surveys
    posted on the internet that have been taken in an attempt to answer that question. The initial statement
    recorded in this survey as the primary reason given for preferring cremation over burial, is “it saves

    Cremation is all
    about money.
    As followers of Jesus
    Christ, as those who
    profess to believe
    the Word of God to
    be infallible truth that
    is applicable for
    directing the
    decisions of today’s
    believers, we must
    be able to list a
    completely different
    set of reasons for
    rejecting cremation
    and accepting what
    has been recorded
    about burial! This
    survey proves the
    unregenerate world
    does not have a clue
    about the importance
    of the body in the
    eyes of God.
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