Page 79 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2011
P. 79

proper way to  THE BEATITUDES OF      THE ATTITUDES OF                 79
view the               THE KINGDOM           THE KINGDOMS
Beatitudes is in            OF GOD          OF THIS WORLD        The same can
the form of an                                                        be said for
ascending                                                             those who
pyramid. It all                                                        follow the
begins with being
poor in spirit                                                    attitudes that
(humble). It                                                      permeate the
culminates with
being persecuted                                                     world. It all
in the same                                                          begins with
manner as were                                                   being proud in
the prophets.                                                        spirit. It will
                                                                 culminate with
                                                                  being labeled
                                                                     among the
                                                                 persecutors of
                                                                    the humble.

We lack the space to elaborate, but pursue the theme of this chart and it will enhance your
             understanding of what brings persecution upon the dedicated believer:

                                        FOR THE SAKE OF

                              Matt. 5:11  Jn. 15:21

                                WHO DESIRE
                             TO LIVE GODLY
                             IN CHRIST JESUS
                   WILL SUFFER PERSECUTION.”

                       PERSECUTED             PERSECUTED
                   FOR THE SAKE OF        FOR THE SAKE OF

                   Mark 4:17                         Matt. 5:10  Pastor Randy Shupe

                           NOW AVAILABLE ON DVD:

                   “THE “BE” ATTITUDES”

                          14 HOURS OF ILLUSTRATED
                              TEACHINGS ON 4 DISCS
                                    IN ONE ALBUM

                                         $25.00 album
                                  plus $ 3.00 for shipping
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