Page 77 - Prophetic Word Newsletter Archive 2010
P. 77

AND UNLESS THOSE DAYS WERE SHORTENED, NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED;                                              77

JESUS WILL REDUCE THE                                   OF A DAY IN ORDER TO


COME TO PASS IN                       DOES NOTHING,          ANGEL SOUNDED;
THAT DAY, SAYS                                                  AND A THIRD
                                UNLESS HE REVEALS HIS             OF THE SUN
 THE LORD GOD,                 SECRET TO HIS SERVANTS            WAS STRUCK,
                               THE PROPHETS.” Amos 3:7            A THIRD OF THE MOON,
‘THAT I WILL                                                  AND A THIRD OF THE STARS,
MAKE THE SUN                                                   SO THAT A THIRD OF THEM
GO DOWN AT                                                             WERE DARKENED;
AND I WILL DARKEN                                       AND A THIRD OF THE DAY DID NOT
Amos 8:9
                                                                              Rev. 8:12

The prophets Amos and John both bear witness to how God plans to literally “shorten the days” in the
tribulation. I suspect these are two different events because Amos’ prophecy implies that nearly half of
the daylight hours will be taken away, while John’s prophecy speaks of diminishing one third of the day
and one third of the night. If the sun goes down at noonday and the earth is darkened in broad daylight,
then the LENGTH of the daylight hours will be greatly shortened. Normally we view “daylight hours” as
spanning sunup to sundown (12 hours). Amos states the sun will go down at noon and the earth will be
darkened in what used to be broad daylight. That is a reduction of daylight by at least 6 hours! Take
note that the prophecy in Amos does not indicate when this event will take place in the tribulation. This
unknown factor further complicates any calculations we might attempt to make.

Now look at the revelation given in John’s prophecy. This may well be a second event in addition to the

one Amos describes because the amount of hours taken away is quite different. Due to cataclysmic

events in the heavens that strike a third of the sun, the moon and stars with darkness, the length of a

day, as well as the night, are reduced by one third each. One third taken off the length of a day, and

one third taken of the length of a night! A third of a normal 12-hour day (daylight hours) is four hours. A

third of a normal 12-hour night would also be four hours. Taken together, it seems that John’s prophecy

is cutting the length of a 24-hour day by 8 hours! I am not the greatest mathematician, but I suspect

that between Amos’ prophecy and that of John, our present normal 24-hour day may be reduced to

one of perhaps 8 to 12 hours.

Think about what that means:                      TWO DAYS ELAPSE FOR EVERY OLD ONE…
                                                   TWO WEEKS ELAPSE FOR EVERY OLD ONE…

The end result of such “shortening of the days”   TWO MONTHS ELAPSE FOR EVERY OLD ONE…
means we will not have a hard-core 7 years of      TWO YEARS ELAPSE FOR EVERY OLD ONE…

tribulation based on our present 24-hour day      SEVEN YEARS ELAPSE IN THREE-ONE HALF…

between the rapture and the Second Coming of OLD 24 HOUR DAY  NEW 12 HOUR DAY

Christ. Shortening the length of a day can cause

the rapture to take place much later than when

we might expect with our present length of a

day. Also what is purposely not given to us is

exactly WHEN the Fourth Trumpet of John’s

prophecy sounds. This unknown factor also

prevents any exact calculation from being made.

What we do know is that when the Fourth Trumpet sounds, the length of a day will again be greatly
shortened and the time frame for completing the tribulation will speed up. My suspicion is that this
event may happen just prior to the Abomination of Desolation that marks the middle of the tribulation.
Since the Fourth Trumpet sounds in the 8th Chapter of Revelation, we can deduce that this event is just
prior to the start of the last half of the tribulation because Chapter 11 of Revelation gives us two stated
day counts of “42 months” and “1,260 days” (Rev. 11:1-3).
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