Page 1 - Forgotten Love
P. 1


     Single teaching


                        “CAN A VIRGIN FORGET HER ORNAMENTS,
                                       OR A BRIDE HER ATTIRE?

                            YET MY PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN ME
                                     DAYS WITHOUT NUMBER.”

                                                                Jer. 2:32

 Israel, although betrothed to God as His bride,
 was eventually given a certificate of divorce due
 to their unfaithfulness (Jer. 3:8).
 The Church also is betrothed to Christ,
 to be presented as a chaste virgin to Christ
 (2 Cor. 11:1-4). Paul expresses a concern for the
 church that they may become deceived by
 Satan from the simplicity (“whole-hearted devotion”
 Amplified) that is in Christ.
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